10 Results for: (Concept:15213774-n)
60094 Prime Minister_Tomiichi_Murayama , who returned to Oita_Prefecture , his hometown , for the first time after he took office , completed his four-day schedule to arrive at Haneda_Airport by a Japan_Airline flight in the evening of December 31 .
60117 Government sources thus revealed on December 31 .
60122 The Information_Summit was privately suggested by South_Korean_President_Kim_Young-sam at the unofficial APEC summit meeting in Indonesia in December 1994 , but it was neither published nor contained in the Bogor declaration , which was released after the meeting ended .
60140 Chinese President_Jiang_Zemin made a New_Year 's address on December 31 toward Chinese and Chinese descendents in China and overseas , emphasizing " The year 1995_marks the fiftieth anniversary of the victory of the anti-fascism war , including the victory of the Chinese people against the invasion of the Japanese . "
60144 Still , the Mainichi_Newspapers asked a question , " Who do you think will be the prime minister as of January 1 , 1996 ? " in the questionnaire survey last December of all members of the House_of_Representatives .
60216 Fierce street fighting broke out in Mogadishu , the Capital_of_Somalia on December 31st .
60221 Prince Norodom_Sihanouk , the King_of_Cambodia , met Chinese_President_Jiang_Zemin on December 31 .
60223 JoongAng_Ilbo , a Korean evening paper , reported from Beijing on January 1 that in December China stopped its supply of soft coal for power generation to the Democratic_People_'s_Republic_of_Korea , which amounted to approximately a_million_tons annually .
60228 A football superstar , Diego_Maradona and his family met Fidel_Castro , Cuban_President_of_the_Council_of_State , on December 30th last year , and they joyfully took photos together .
60232 With eighteen injured on December 30 , the conflict is ever deteriorating .

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