10 Results for: (Concept:15213774-n)
60144 尽管 如此 [ 新闻社 还是 去年 十二月 全体 众议院 议员 实施 问卷 调查 询问 一九九六年 一月 一日 首相

Still , the Mainichi_Newspapers asked a question , " Who do you think will be the prime minister as of January 1 , 1996 ? " in the questionnaire survey last December of all members of the House_of_Representatives . (eng)

60223 1日 韩国 晚报 中央 日报 援引 发自 北京 消息 中国 迄今 北朝鲜 进行 一百万 发电 烟煤 供应 12月 停止

JoongAng_Ilbo , a Korean evening paper , reported from Beijing on January 1 that in December China stopped its supply of soft coal for power generation to the Democratic_People_'s_Republic_of_Korea , which amounted to approximately a_million_tons annually . (eng)

60228 足球界 超级 明星 戈・马拉多纳 其家人 去年 12月 30日 会见 [ 古巴 国家 评议会 议长 卡斯特罗 愉快 合影 留念

A football superstar , Diego_Maradona and his family met Fidel_Castro , Cuban_President_of_the_Council_of_State , on December 30th last year , and they joyfully took photos together . (eng)

60263 美国 运输 部长 潘尼亚于 十二月 台湾 进行 访问 已经 提出 要求 希望 实现 直接 通航 时候 美国 参与

US Secretary_of_Transportation_Federico_Pena , who visited Taiwan in December , requested the Taiwanese government to let the US take part in the direct traffic when realized . (eng)

60356 去年 十二月 多伦多 市内 开设 第一 华裔 移民 专用 收费 养老院

Last December the first charging retirement home exclusively for Chinese immigrants opened its doors in Toronto . (eng)

60691 12月 31日 第25 刊登 安保 健二 讣告 葬礼 告别 仪式 时间 日期 1月 4日 上午 11 1月 5日 上午 11

In the obituary of Mr._Kenji_Anpo , carried on page 25 of the morning issue of December 31 , the date and time of his funeral and service were mistakenly printed as " 11:00 a.m. , January 4 , " while it should have been " 11:00 a.m. , January 5 . " (eng)

60692 横滨市 中学 年级 男生 十二月 二十六日 [ 东京站 离开 之后 便 下落不明 然而 [ 岐阜县 警察厅 大垣 警署 三十一日 逗留 大垣市 旅馆 当事人 进行 看护 在一起 固定 住所 自称 经营 私塾 坂秀典 嫌疑犯 诱拐 未成年人 嫌疑 进行 逮捕

On December 31 , Ogaki_Police_Station_of_the_Gifu_Prefectural_Police took into protective custody a boy in the first grade of junior high school , who had been missing since he left home in Yokohama on December 26 , saying , " I 'm going to Tokyo_Station " ; the Police also arrested Hidenori_Nagasaka , of no fixed address and claiming to be a private school manager , who was found together with the boy in a hotel in Ogaki , on suspicion of kidnapping him , a minor . (eng)

61298 双方 12月 18日 交换 批准书

The ratification was exchanged on December 28 of that year . (eng)

61507 顺应 动向 政府 去年 12月 25日 内阁 会议 决定 关于 地方 分权 大纲 方针

In response to these developments , the government endorsed the policy outline concerning decentralization at the Cabinet meeting on December 25 last year . (eng)

61856 改革 提出 作为 永久 课题 消除 派阀 决断 去年 12月 所有 派阀 摘下 招牌 关闭 事务所

In party reform , the elimination of factions , which had been the never-ending issue with the party , was forced through and all of the factions put down their signs and closed down their offices last December . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>