9 Results for: (Concept:15201994-n)
60169 关系 焦点 今秋 尖锐 起来 北约 扩充 问题 保守党 自由派 双方 评论家 年底 美国 展开 论战

The most important issue on the agenda regarding U.S. - Russia relations is the expansion of NATO , which has been focused since last autumn , and about which conservatives and liberals argued bitterly at the end of last year in U.S. newspapers . (eng)

60266 年底 台湾 内阁 改组 积极 主张 直接 通航 肖万长 先生 起用 担任 中国 工作

With the Cabinet reshuffle in Taiwan at the end of last year , Xiao_Wan_Chang , an advocate of the direct service , was appointed as the minister in charge of Taiwan 's policy toward China . (eng)

60330 前年 年底 人口 八万七千 人口 增长率 第一 据说 突破 十万

At the end of last year , the population stood at 87,000 people , but with the highest population growth rate in the country , it has now surpassed 100,000 . (eng)

60382 另外 [ 香港 政府 去年 年底 开始 星期天 开放 学校 菲律宾 妇女 提供 活动 中心

Since the end of last year , the government of Hong_Kong has opened schools and other buildings on Sundays_for_Filipino women to use as community centers . (eng)

60640 围绕 今春 东京都 知事 选举 候选人 问题 局势 明朗 情况 年关

The New_Year has come while the selection of candidates for the gubernatorial election of Tokyo slated for this spring remains confused . (eng)

61072 法务省 截止到 九三年 年底 日本 国内 外国人 登记 人数 一百三十二万零七百四十八

According to the Ministry_of_Justice , registered foreign residents in Japan number 1,320,748 as of the end of 1993 . (eng)

61093 年底 个人 募集 一万八千 美元 作为 资金 送到 协作会

At the end of 1994 , 18,000_dollars collected privately was delivered to Sao_Paulo as the first contribution . (eng)

61411 贝鲁斯柯尼 首相 去年 年底 表明 内阁 辞职 这样 认为

We wonder if that was what crossed everyone 's mind , when Prime_Minister_Berlusconi announced the Cabinet resignation en masse at the end of last year ? (eng)

61828 克林顿 总统 去年 中间 选举 失败 年底 急忙 发表 中产 阶级 减税 政策

After the Democratic defeat in the mid-term elections last year , President_Clinton hastily announced a tax cut measure for the middle-class at the end of the year . (eng)

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