4 Results for: (Concept:15143726-n)
11175 尽管 灌下 白兰地 请来 医生 一切 努力 徒劳无功 因为 奄奄一息 濒临 死亡 咽气 之前 没有 重新 苏醒

She implored me to come to bed . (eng) I told her frankly that I wished to see who it was who played such absurd tricks upon us . (eng)

60683 遗体 三十一日 [ 千叶 大学 医学 司法 解剖 判明 死因 窒息 死亡

A legal autopsy was performed on the corpse on December 31 at the School_of_Medicine , Chiba_University , and the cause of her death was determined to be strangulation . (eng)

60942 无情 镇压 造成 半数 死亡

Half of them died from the out-and-out oppression . (eng)

61799 实际 情况 确保 人材 没有 社会 认知 存在 困难 即使 能够 确保 能够 使用 社会 保险 此外 因为 事务所 备用品 个人 名义 如果 死亡 出现 继承税 问题

Securing manpower is also a challenge without social recognition and , even if it has been secured , social insurance is unavailable : moreover , as office and equipment are under an individual 's name , the reality is that there will be an inheritance tax problem when that individual dies . (eng)

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