10 Results for: (Concept:15133621-n)
60769 幸运 应该 改进 地方 已经 练习 期间 去年 十月 IACC 世界 锦标赛 全部 掌握

Fortunately , areas that needed improvement were worked out in practice or during the IACC world championships held last year in October . (eng)

60881 期间 挑战 必须 参赛 场数 49 大约 时间 进行 比赛

During this time , challenging teams must compete in a maximum of 49 races spanning approximately four months . (eng)

61080 期间 提供 基地 以外 日本 经历 战争 然而 世纪 发生 事情 忘记 呼声 响彻 亚洲

Although we have not experienced war during the period , except for the provision of the U.S. bases , many people around Asia have not forgotten what happened fifty years ago . (eng)

61394 期间 民事 行政 诉讼 受理 案件 增加

In the meantime , the number of cases received in relation to civil and administrative litigations has tripled over the same period of time . (eng)

61572 如果 实现 临床 实习 义务化 期间 打工 可以

Once clinical training becomes mandatory , interns will be unable to take part-time jobs during internship . (eng)

61650 克林顿 总统 上任 期间 日本 更换 首相

During the past two years President_Clinton has been in office , Japan has had four prime ministers . (eng)

101179 芽茏士乃 大街 缤纷 集市 午后 开始 一直 持续 深夜

101313 今年 8 月份 举办 首届 青年 奥运会 期间 巴窑 体育馆 Toa Payoh Stadium 一定 上演 一些 激烈 乒乓球 大战 届时 欣赏 精彩 扣杀 旋转

There 's bound to be some intense smashes and swerving spin action at the Toa_Payoh_Stadium , during the inaugural Youth_Olympic_Games later this year in August . (eng)

101530 寺庙 大门 精雕细琢 穿 进入 庭院 之内 信步 期间 无数 细致 佛像 肃然起敬

The temple has an elaborately decorated gateway , reached by a bridge , which opens into a courtyard . (eng) Take a walk in the courtyard to admire the numerous beautifully carved Buddhas on display . (eng)

101926 2010 新加坡 汽车 大奖 期间 各种 特惠

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>