2 Results for: (Concept:14974264-n)
101556 为了 不再 受到 怪兽 侵扰 村民 竹子 可怕 动物 模样 操纵 木偶 一样 活动 起来 同时 敲锣 打鼓 制造 间断 巨大 声响 终于 凶恶 年兽

To put an end to the animal 's ravaging , the villagers put together a fearsome model of an animal using bamboo and paper , and manipulated it like a puppet to scare off the ferocious Nien , along with the loud and persistent banging of drums . (eng)

101636 传统 马来 舞蹈 偶尔 可以 舞蹈 使用 蜡烛 米筛 道具 音乐 有关 传统 特色

Traditional Malay dancers occasionally also use props such as candle dishes , rice sieves and paper umbrellas in their dance to illustrate the traditions associated with the music . (eng)

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