10 Results for: (Concept:14890286-n)
46871 In a very few hours the brown earth had become ruddy , the brick had changed to granite , and red cows grazed in well- hedged fields where the lush grasses and more luxuriant vegetation spoke of a richer , if a damper , climate .
46897 Still steadily rising , we passed over a narrow granite bridge , and skirted a noisy stream , which gushed swiftly down , foaming and roaring amid the grey boulders .
46935 The lodge was a ruin of black granite and bared ribs of rafters , but facing it was a new building , half constructed , the first fruit of Sir Charles 's South African gold .
46948 To right and left of the turrets were more modern wings of black granite .
47137 A steep , boulder- sprinkled hill lay upon the right which had in bygone days been cut into a granite quarry .
47147 ' It is a wonderful place , the moor , ' said he , looking round over the undulating downs , long green rollers , with crests of jagged granite foaming up into fantastic surges .
100094 Seasoned climbing enthusiasts who relish the challenges of outdoor urban climbing should attempt the granite walls of a disused quarry in Dairy_Farm , but do take extensive safety precautions when you are there .
103110 Four carved granite columns with entwined dragons and two dragons in pearl on the roof ridges are also a display of the Lam_Ann clan heritage .
103808 Go back in time as you take in the graceful sweep of the curved roof ridge enhanced with upturned eaves , wooden carvings and ornamental gable eaves set in granite columns .
104324 Here , you 'll see colorful murals depicting the stories of Lord_Vinayagar from the time of his birth till marriage , as well as four granite pillars featuring sculptures of 32 different forms of Lord_Vinayagar .

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