10 Results for: (Concept:14526182-n)
502 贝尔 实验室 麻省 理工 大学 人工 智能 计算机 实验室 加州 大学 伯克利 分校 这些 创新 来源 传奇 色彩 并且 继续 影响力

60442 印度 没有 自己 国家 感觉 朋友 当中 很多 中国人 故乡 香港

" Even when I go to India it does not feel like my country . A lot of my friends are Chinese , and I have nowhere but Hong_Kong to call home . " (eng)

60512 估计 他们 晚饭 休息 于是 便 走到 酒店 大厅 闲逛 这时 气氛 紧张 起来

Thinking that they " would take a dinner break , " he was killing time in the hotel lobby when there was a commotion . (eng)

60556 称作 宇宙流 武宫 充满 浪漫 气息 布局战 称为 杀手 加藤 魄力

Takemiya 's " Uchu " style has a highly romantic early-game strategy , while Kato forcefully attacks in a so-called " Koroshiya " style . (eng)

61641 但是 报道 会谈 内容 哪里 感受 创造性 气息

However , as far as what the media have reported , absolutely no " creative " pulse is detected anywhere in the talks . (eng)

61737 当初 社民 自由 认为 社会党 色彩 浓厚 什么 时候 变成 民主 自由

While the party was originally called the " Social Democratic_Liberal_Party , " after it was accused of being " too much like the SDP , " it changed its name to " Democratic Liberal_Party . " (eng)

61851 作为 焦点 宪法 处理 当初 提出 淡化 改宪 色彩 报告

On how the LDP handled the constitution issue , which attracted great attraction , initially it presented a watered-down report for the amendment . (eng)

61852 我们 带有 浓厚 色彩 减少 联合 伙伴 社会党 先驱 隔阂 制定 策略 持有 疑问 同时 对立 鲜明 政界 重组 自民党 力图 明确 立轴 决断 给予 肯定 评价

While being questioned about the strong suggestion that the LDP was playing party politics to get cozy with fellow coalition parties such as the Social_Democratic_Party and Sakigake , we applauded the LDP decision to attempt to clearly define the opposite views while the political reorganization without opposite views is in progress . (eng)

61967 集结 共产党 在野 新进党 包容 理念 政策 不同 能够 应对 选区 制度 仓促 结党 色彩 浓厚 并且 原本 政权 本身 超越 理念 政策 携手 联合 政权

It seems more and more likely that all opposition parties , except for the Communist_Party , joined together to form the New_Frontier_Party ( Shinshin_Party ) at the last minute to deal with the single-seat constituency system with their differences in political agenda being left unresolved , and , to begin with , the Murayama administration itself is a coalition government that was formed without any consideration for the political principles or agenda . (eng)

62092 但是 如前 指出 那样 叶利钦 政权 大大 偏离 推进 民主化 改革 初衷 正在 加强 民主 强权 色彩 封闭性

However , as pointed out before , the Yeltsin administration has deviated from its original idea of promoting democracy and reform to adopt increasingly anti-democratic , iron-fisted closed-door policies . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>