9 Results for: (Concept:14511491-n)
61357 曾经 掀起 淘金 巴西 亚马逊河 流域 淘金者 任意 排放 可能 引发 第三 水俣病 忧虑

In the Amazon_River_Basin_of_Brazil , which was swept by the excitement of the gold rush , there is a grave concern over the outbreak of " the third incidence of Minamata_Disease " caused by the mercury gold diggers discharged into the river . (eng)

61359 环境厅 [ 国立 水俣病 研究 中心 根据 日本 巴西 科学 技术 合作 协定 [ 里约 大学 共同 主办 会议 给予 积极 评价

We applaud that the National_Institute_for_Minamata_Disease_of_the_Environment_Agency hosted this conference together with the University_of_Rio de Janeiro in accordance with the Japan-Brazil_Science and Technology_Cooperation_Agreement . (eng)

61362 40余 水俣病 痛切 体验 日本 积累 起来 有机 自然 环境 人体 影响 调查 分析 技术 水准 堪称 世界 第一

Based on the very painful experience of the Minamata_Disease over forty some years , it can be said that the level of technology developed by Japan for analyzing the effects of organic mercury on the natural environment and the human body is the highest in the world . (eng)

61363 担负 解决 水俣病 患者 认定 补偿 问题 进行 对外 合作 也许 但是 为了 救济 中毒 防止 扩大 日本 流行 病学 调查 医疗 经验 一定 发挥 作用

While some may have mixed feelings about such collaborations abroad when patient identification and compensation issues concerning the Minamata_Disease are still unresolved at home , Japan 's experience in epidemiological surveys and medical care must be made available at all costs to cure mercury poisoning and to keep it from spreading . (eng)

61368 余下 40% 45% 排放 经过 腐叶 腐殖质 微生物 生物 反应 无机 转化 机汞 浓缩 积蓄 河鱼 最终 水俣病 一样 摄入 食鱼 沿岸 居民 身体 可能性

There are strong suspicions that 40 to 45 percent of the mercury was dumped into the river , turned from inorganic mercury to organic mercury through the biological reaction with the humic materials in leaf molds and microorganisms , became concentrated and accumulated in fish , and which , in turn , was brought into the bodies of residents along the coast who ate the fish , as was the case with the Minamata_Disease in Japan . (eng)

61372 紧急 课题 [ 国立 水俣病 研究 中心 开发 分析 方法 准确 掌握 土壤 鱼类 毛发 血液 尿液 水银 总量 甲基 水银量

The immediate task is to accurately obtain the amount of the total mercury and methyl mercury in water , soil , fish and human hair , blood and urine using the analytical method developed by the National_Institute_for_Minamata_Disease . (eng)

61374 希望 忘记 水俣病 患者 痛苦 超越 国境 人道主义 国际 合作 做出 贡献

It is our hope to contribute to the humanitarian international cooperation that transcends borders while always keeping in mind the suffering of the Minamata_Disease victims . (eng)

61375 开展 政府 合作 之前 [ 熊本 大学 教授 原田 [ 水俣 协立 病院 医生 藤野札 [ 东京 大学 环境 安全 研究 中心 教授 中西准子 水俣病 受害者 辩护团 联络 会议 民间 人士 组织 亚马逊 进行 实际 调查 调查 研究 先行 值得

In advance of the intergovernmental cooperation , we wish to make special mention of the private organizations and citizens who made explorations into the Amazon and getting a head-start on investigations and research , including Masazumi_Harada , Assistant_Professor at the University_of_Kumamoto , Tadashi_Fujino_MD_of_the_Minamata_Kyoritsu_Hospital , Junko_Nakanishi , Professor at the Center_for_Environmental_Safety in the University_of_Tokyo , the National_Liaison_Conference_of_Minamata_Disease_Victims and Defense_Counsel , and other concerned parties . (eng)

61375 开展 政府 合作 之前 [ 熊本 大学 教授 原田 [ 水俣 协立 病院 医生 藤野札 [ 东京 大学 环境 安全 研究 中心 教授 中西准子 水俣病 受害者 辩护团 联络 会议 民间 人士 组织 亚马逊 进行 实际 调查 调查 研究 先行 值得

In advance of the intergovernmental cooperation , we wish to make special mention of the private organizations and citizens who made explorations into the Amazon and getting a head-start on investigations and research , including Masazumi_Harada , Assistant_Professor at the University_of_Kumamoto , Tadashi_Fujino_MD_of_the_Minamata_Kyoritsu_Hospital , Junko_Nakanishi , Professor at the Center_for_Environmental_Safety in the University_of_Tokyo , the National_Liaison_Conference_of_Minamata_Disease_Victims and Defense_Counsel , and other concerned parties . (eng)

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