10 Results for: (Concept:14438788-n)
45872 This , in truth , his neighbours might have pardoned , seeing that saints have never flourished in those parts , but there was in him a certain wanton and cruel humour which made his name a by-word through the West .
45874 But the young maiden , being , discreet and of good repute , would ever avoid him , for she feared his evil name .
46506 You saved my good name , and perhaps my life . '
47739 Then , as he grew older , he met wicked companions , and the devil entered into him until he broke my mother 's heart and dragged our name in the dirt .
60068 " They are extremely disadvantageous for the aged members and candidates who depend only on the name of the party in power , " analyzed a mainstay member who is known as an elections expert , while an influential Cabinet minister is afraid that " members of the Diet may lose their jobs and their existence value . "
60457 Afterwards , the three shogi houses of Ohashi_Honke , Ohashi_Bunke and Ito carried on the name of Meijin through successive generations , and the era of the 13th Meijin_Sekine came after the turbulence of the Meiji_Restoration was overcome .
60529 After the Meiji era the strength of the other houses faded until they were closed , leaving only the House_of_Honinbo to carry on its name down the generations .
60797 Bertrand 's name was also known in sailing circles , but he had always been overshadowed by Conner .
101466 Singapore 's local nasi padang stalls however , have made a name for themselves by consciously blending healthier alternatives such as less salt added in dishes and bigger vegetable portions into their overall spread .
103886 This Indian restaurant has made a name for itself with its signature Fish_Head_Curry , cooked South_Indian style .


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