6 Results for: (Concept:14429382-n)
60153 Mr._Kaifu , who was in second place after Mr._Murayama , obtained the highest rating , 60_% in the NFP , though it seems rather natural .
60160 Mr._Yohei_Kono , President_of_the_LDP , the largest party , received only 3_% ; his favorable rating is at a single-digit low level , 8_% , even in his home ground of the LDP .
60166 The survey unveiled a remarkable tendency that Mr._Ozawa 's favorable rating was considerably high in the NFP , but extremely low in the ruling parties .
61447 At present , the ratings for the Murayama administration are 29 percent for " support , " 25 percent for " do not support " and 42 percent for " not interested . "
61840 However , American public opinion is extremely fickle , as seen in the plunging popularity of President_Bush , who once boasted an overwhelming approval rating thanks to the Gulf_War .
100359 For their reviews and ratings , please purchase the latest Makansutra_Singapore 2011 Edition or visit www.makansutra.com .

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