10 Results for: (Concept:13982156-n)
60034 五十 周年 之际 冷战 格局 瓦解 世界 需要 秩序 这个 时期 如何 建立 面向 二十一 世纪 日美 亲密 关系 日美 首脑 会谈 重大 课题

In this 50th anniversary of the end of the war , with the paradigm of the Cold_War collapsed and a new order required throughout the world , the substantial problem of the next Japan-U . S. summit meeting is how we establish a close relationship between Japan and the U.S. , which leads the way in the 21st century . (eng)

60177 而且 明确 显示 强硬 姿态 诸如 允许 俄罗斯 北约 将来 以及 美国 欧洲 作用 拥有 否决权 美国 应该 冷战 胜利者 姿态 行动

The Republican_Party has also recently started to push harder line policies , insisting , " It is unacceptable that Russia has a veto over the future of NATO or the U.S. role in Europe , " and , " The United_States shall act as the winner of the Cold_War . " (eng)

61134 冷战 结束 带来 任何 政党 执政 状况 日本 政治 自民党 三十八 统治 觉醒 与此同时 完全 迷失 作为 取代 穷途末路 利益 导向型 政治 政治 目标 价值 整个 政治 陷入 漂泊 状态

The end of the Cold_War presented a situation where any political party can come into power , and while Japanese politics has come out of its 38-year domination by the Liberal_Democratic_Party , at the same time , the new politics has lost sight of the " value " of the political objective to replace the dead-end politics of influence peddling , thus sending Japanese politics as a whole into an aimless state . (eng)

61136 这个 时期 应该 认真 着手 研究 如何 重新 认识 政治 实现 价值 如何 制定 冷战 结束 二十一 世纪 紧密 结合 具体 目标

The time has come for us to sit down and start to plan on how we will again capture the " value " aspired by politics as well as define specific objectives that have real relevance in the context of post Cold_War world and the twenty-first century . (eng)

61265 冷战 结构 崩溃 相互 依存 关系 密切 起来 我们 面临 问题 越来越 需要 超越 国家 框架 全球性 观点

With the fall of the " Cold War structure " and the ever more interdependent relationships among countries , in addressing the various kinds of problems which we face a global vantage point that transcends " national " frameworks is becoming more and more essential . (eng)

61342 由于 冷战 终结 西欧 欧洲 共同体 发展 成为 欧洲 纳入 视野 欧盟

With the end of the Cold_War , the European_Community , made up of Western_European countries , developed into the EU that had the whole of Europe in its horizon . (eng)

61441 希望 今年 能够 成为 经历 冷战 泡沫 经济 崩溃 展望 21 世纪 开拓 日本 未来 但是 重要 政界 依然 继续 漫无目的地 徘徊

It is hoped that this year will see the prospect of a new direction for Japan to face up to the 21st century in light of the post Cold_War and the bursting of the asset-inflated bubble , but the Japanese political world continues to be in limbo . (eng)

61752 世界 经济 冷战 东西 融合 90年 92年 中国 东方 国家 景气 领先 好转 其后 接着 美国 欧洲 日本 景气 回升 如今 迎来 世界 同时 繁荣 局面

With regard to the world economy , as a result of the East-West integration after the end of the Cold_War , the economy in the East such as China took the lead from 1990 to 1992 , followed by the economic recovery in the US , Europe and Japan , and we are about to see a simultaneous boom worldwide . (eng)

61978 机会 要求 执政党 在野 排除 简单 取悦 人心 幕后 谈判 政治 展开 看准 冷战 日本 政治 经济 应有 状态 认真 讨论

Taking this opportunity , we hope that the ruling and opposition parties will do away with the shallow brown-nosing " collusive " politics and will engage in a serious debate keeping firmly in mind the Japanese politics and economy after the end of the Cold_War . (eng)

62086 但是 这里 想要 提起 冷战 时期 苏联 东欧 对手 展开 果敢 东方 外交 西德 总理 史密特 的话

However , we want to recall what the West_German_Chancellor_Schmidt , who deployed a daring Eastern_Policy against the Soviet_Union and Eastern_Europe during the Cold_War , said . (eng)

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