8 Results for: (Concept:13768343-n)
61043 穿戴 头盔 救生衣 沿着 岩石 嶙峋 溪流 逆流 直上 到达 架有 通称 中国 山村

Donning a helmet and a lifejacket , we suddenly ascended a rocky mountain stream and arrived at a mountain village situated on the so-called " China Bridge " . (eng)

100750 新加坡 马来 口味 差别 馄饨 片片 叉烧 猪肉 翠绿 蔬菜

The Singaporean and Malaysian versions are largely similar , offering slices of Char_Siew ( barbecued pork ) , in addition to bite-sized dumplings and leafy vegetables . (eng)

101056 拉茶 kuihs 马来 传统 甜品 美味 必将 芽笼 更加 完美

If you 're hungry , have some teh tarik ( frothy milk tea ) , munch on some lovely kuihs ( Malay desserts ) or have some delicious nasi padang ( rice with a mixed selection of dishes ) here . (eng)

101132 十分 简单 若干 鸡肉 鸡汤 烹煮 生抽 老抽 辣椒 生姜 混合

The dish is simple : bite-sized pieces of steamed white chicken , fragrant rice ( it 's pre-fried in chicken fat and cooked in chicken broth ) , light or dark soy sauce , and a delicious ground chilli and ginger paste . (eng)

101343 奶酪火锅 上乘 路易波士 然后 安然 阅读 轻松 小说 随意 浏览 报纸 时事 新闻 属于 自己 纯粹 时光

Dip into the cheese fondue or settle down with a nice pot of Rooibos tea , and you can spend hours glued to a good read or just catch up on current news in the papers , all without interruption . (eng)

101714 各种 亚洲 风味 齐齐 汇集 即食 牛肋 以及 著名 泰式 开胃 miang pu nim

Enjoy a lively burst of flavours with a good variety of Asian- influenced dishes such as the bite-sized wagyu rib-eye , the Sichuan-style deep-fried soon hock fish and the famous Thai appetiser , miang pu nim . (eng)

102822 气氛 热乎乎 苹果馅饼 肉桂 冰淇淋 巧克力 薄脆 感受 巧克力 牛奶 巧克力 巧克力 丝柔 于是 原本 浪漫 夜晚 之间 高潮

Top off your evening with a bite of the warm apple pie soufflé with cinnamon stick ice-cream or a taste of the Chocolate_Terrine , a three- tiered chocolate experience comprising white , milk and dark chocolate . (eng)

102932 欢迎 前来 东兴 糖果 尝试 可口 美食 品尝 便 释手

Visit Tong_Heng_Confectionary for these delectable goodies and you find them impossible to put down . (eng)

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