8 Results for: (Concept:13709700-n)
61195 Specifically , with the strengthening of the yen that is in progress and a sudden rise of the East_Asia economy , Japan 's economy is being forced to reorganize its system of division of labor on a global scale .
61280 In the case of the American_SSC , the construction cost had reached one trillion yen , and the US sought a financial assistance of 200_billion_yen from Japan .
61294 Basic research funds in Japan are small and if a total of several billion yen is to be spent out of this pot , it will put a strain on other areas .
61555 In some extreme cases , as interns ' monthly pay is no more than tens of thousands of yen , thus forcing them to work in part-time jobs elsewhere to earn money instead of putting in adequate hours for training .
61689 As contributing factors , it cites the low productivity of industries under protection and regulations , still overly expensive land prices , and the high appreciation of the yen generated by the lopsided economical structure with a central focus on the two foregoing points .
61759 As the currency turmoil led to the high yen , the current situation is a negative one for the Japanese economy as well .
62054 While the accurate cost of damage is still under investigation , a private economic research institute has cited between three and eight trillion yen .
62062 With regard to the 1995 annual budget , approximately 9.3 trillion yen has been allocated for general public works-related expenditure .

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