10 Results for: (Concept:13709700-n)
60844 预算 37亿 日元

The budget is approximately \3.7 billion . (eng)

61195 具体 出现 日元 升值 东亚 经济 兴起 日本 经济 不得不 全球 范围 重新 组成 分工 体制

Specifically , with the strengthening of the yen that is in progress and a sudden rise of the East_Asia economy , Japan 's economy is being forced to reorganize its system of division of labor on a global scale . (eng)

61270 项目 投资 2000亿 日元 进行 建设 2004年 开始 运行 目标

With a construction cost of approximately 200_billion_yen , they are aiming to begin operation in 2004 . (eng)

61280 美国 超级 超导 对撞机 建设费 1兆 日元 美国 日本 要求 2000亿 日元 资金 合作

In the case of the American_SSC , the construction cost had reached one trillion yen , and the US sought a financial assistance of 200_billion_yen from Japan . (eng)

61280 美国 超级 超导 对撞机 建设费 1兆 日元 美国 日本 要求 2000亿 日元 资金 合作

In the case of the American_SSC , the construction cost had reached one trillion yen , and the US sought a financial assistance of 200_billion_yen from Japan . (eng)

61283 据说 欧洲 考虑 要求 美国 日本 加盟国 出资 400亿 日元

It has been reported that Europe is considering seeking an approximately 40-billion_yen contribution from those non-member states such as the US and Japan . (eng)

61689 作为 主要 原因 列举 保护 限制 产业 生产力 地价 中心 经济 结构 健全 引发 日元 升值

As contributing factors , it cites the low productivity of industries under protection and regulations , still overly expensive land prices , and the high appreciation of the yen generated by the lopsided economical structure with a central focus on the two foregoing points . (eng)

61759 货币 稳定 关系 日元 升值 这样 状况 日本 经济 不利

As the currency turmoil led to the high yen , the current situation is a negative one for the Japanese economy as well . (eng)

62054 虽然 准确 受灾量 调查 但是 民间 经济 研究所 举出 3兆 日元 8兆 日元 数字

While the accurate cost of damage is still under investigation , a private economic research institute has cited between three and eight trillion yen . (eng)

62054 虽然 准确 受灾量 调查 但是 民间 经济 研究所 举出 3兆 日元 8兆 日元 数字

While the accurate cost of damage is still under investigation , a private economic research institute has cited between three and eight trillion yen . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>