4 Results for: (Concept:13582013-n)
60110 Whether they should leave the party or not is uncertain , but for the time being , the most important will be the number of members who participate in the preparatory committee .
101001 The 40,000 square-metre site was originally owned by Low_Kim_Pong , a wealthy Chinese Hokkien merchant and devout Buddhist who donated the land after a dream led him to a chance meeting with a family that had taken Buddhist vows .
103862 At the heart of it all will be three 55-storey hotel towers offering over 2,500 luxurious rooms .
103876 The resort 's two state-of-the-art theatres , totalling 4,000 seats , will offer you an impressive variety of hand-picked international and local performances all the way from Broadway to Bollywood including hits such as the internationally acclaimed musical The_Lion_King .


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