9 Results for: (Concept:11414411-n)
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60000 新年 伊始 村山富市 首相 二十八日 首相 官邸 会见 内阁 记者会 记者 [ 社会党 民主 联合 议员 脱党 问题 谈到 政权 带来 影响 即便 脱党 只是 限定 范围 之内 从而 表明 不至于 大量 议员 脱党 看法

Prime Minister_Tomiichi_Murayama on the 28th held a press conference with Cabinet reporters for the new year at his official residence and said of the New_Democratic_League members ' move to break away from the Socialist_Party_of_Japan , " It will not affect the administration . Even if there are some who will actually leave the party , I think the move would not extend any further , " indicating that this issue would not result in the formation of a mass breakaway group . (eng)

60449 美国 加拿大 人数 增加 认为 受到 移民 取得 国籍 之后 返回 香港 生活 调头 影响

The increasing numbers of American and Canadian residents is presumed to be partially accounted for by emigrants making a " U-turn " and returning to live in Hong_Kong after obtaining citizenship elsewhere . (eng)

61033 开发 影响 老挝 缅甸 中国 扩大 了解 发展 问题 人士 必要 那些 国家 人们 见面 交流 方面 经验

" The wave of development is spreading to China , Myanmar and Laos . The people who are acquainted with these social problems must relate their experiences to the people in countries now undergoing change . " (eng)

61294 日本 基础 研究费 支出 合计 数十亿 日元 其他 领域 带来 不利 影响

Basic research funds in Japan are small and if a total of several billion yen is to be spent out of this pot , it will put a strain on other areas . (eng)

61358 了解 真相 去年 里约热内卢 召开 关于 亚马逊河 流域 水银 影响 国际 研究会

To disclose the truth , the first International_Workshop on the Effects_of_Mercury in the Amazon_River_Basin was held in Rio de Janeiro at the end of last year . (eng)

102060 其它 语言 尤其 各种 马来 汉语 新加坡 英语 产生 深远 影响

The presence of other languages , especially the varieties of Malay and Chinese , has obviously had an influence on the type of English that is used in Singapore . (eng)

102061 影响 非正式 英语 尤为 明显

The influence is especially apparent in informal English , an English-based creole that is commonly known as Singlish . (eng)

102085 例如 源自 槟榔屿 食物 大量 使用 罗望子 其它 原料 泰国 影响 来自 新加坡 马六甲 食物 使用 椰子汁 主要 印尼 影响

For instance , the dishes that originate from the Penang use tamarind and other sour ingredients more liberally , displaying a Thai influence , while those from Singapore and Malacca use more coconut milk , exhibiting a stronger Indonesian influence . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>