10 Results for: (Concept:10780632-n)
10013 ハドスン 夫人 最初 叩き 起こさ 夫人 起こさ そして

Mrs. Hudson has been knocked up , she retorted upon me , and I on you . " (eng)

10064 ファリントッシュ 夫人 から あなた こと 伺っ です

I have heard of you , Mr. Holmes ; I have heard of you from Mrs. Farintosh , whom you helped in the hour of her sore need . (eng)

10065 夫人 大変 困り とき あなた 助け くださっ

I have heard of you , Mr. Holmes ; I have heard of you from Mrs. Farintosh , whom you helped in the hour of her sore need . (eng)

10096 義父 インド とき ストーナー 夫人 結婚 まし

" When Dr. Roylott was in India he married my mother , Mrs. Stoner , the young widow of Major-General Stoner , of the Bengal Artillery . (eng)

10340 ロイロット 亡くなっ 遺言 言っ

" I have seen the will of the deceased wife , " said he . (eng)

10342 ロイロット 夫人 亡くなっ 時点 収入 千百 ポンド だっ 農作物 価格 下落 計算 入れ 七百五十 ポンド ほど なる

The total income , which at the time of the wife 's death was little short of 1100 pounds , is now , through the fall in agricultural prices , not more than 750 pounds . (eng)

11060 その

But my wife does . (eng)

11061 これ 卒倒 まし

It is frightening her to death . (eng)

11080 こんな 旧家 人間 こんなふうに 相手 過去 家族 知ら ない まま 結婚 しまう なんて しかし ご覧 なり 人となり 知っ くだされ 理解 いただける 思い ます

You 'll think it very mad , Mr. Holmes , that a man of a good old family should marry a wife in this fashion , knowing nothing of her past or of her people , but if you saw her and knew her , it would help you to understand . (eng)

11084 言う です

' I have had some very disagreeable associations in my life , ' said she , ' I wish to forget all about them . (eng)

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