10 Results for: (Concept:10780632-n)
10280 " I have seen the will of the deceased wife , " said he .
10282 The total income , which at the time of the wife 's death was little short of 1100 pounds , is now , through the fall in agricultural prices , not more than 750 pounds .
11050 But my wife does .
11079 One day my wife received a letter from America .
60706 The wife of adventure rider Fukashi_Kazama , Emiko , laughs as she says this .
60732 Yoshiharu_Sekino , an explorer aiming to trace mankind 's 50,000-kilometer Great_Journey , and his wife Reiko spent their honeymoon at the ruins of Peru_'s_Machu_Picchu .
60755 While they were traveling in Bolivia he told his wife about his plans for the Great_Journey , which was three years before he embarked upon it , to which she replied , " It would be one thing if you were in your twenties , but do not you think it 's a stupid thing to do when you 're in your forties ? "
61096 Yamamoto and his wife , Haruko , also on the car , were hit strongly in the chest and head , and died shortly ; Ito is suffering from whiplash .
61117 Kato 's wife , Kikuko , said , " I heard a banging noise as made by a falling object between two and three o'clock a.m. , " and the police are investigating the relationship between her story and the incident .
61312 Also , there was the assassination of Madame_Yuk_Young_Soo , the wife of President_Park , by a young South_Korean man living in Japan .

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