10 Results for: (Concept:10780632-n)
10045 可是 妻子 重视

The lady gave a violent start and stared in bewilderment at my companion . (eng)

10063 觉得 名门 子弟 竟然 方式 身世 不明 妻子 简直 发疯 福尔摩斯 先生

" Alas ! " replied our visitor , " the very horror of my situation lies in the fact that my fears are so vague , and my suspicions depend so entirely upon small points , which might seem trivial to another , that even he to whom of all others I have a right to look for help and advice looks upon all that I tell him about it as the fancies of a nervous woman . (eng)

10077 那天 妻子 接到 美国 寄来

As it was , he suffered a long term of imprisonment and afterwards returned to England a morose and disappointed man . " (eng)

10094 它们 刷掉 后来 妻子 提到

A series of disgraceful brawls took place , two of which ended in the police-court , until at last he became the terror of the village , and the folks would fly at his approach , for he is a man of immense strength , and absolutely uncontrollable in his anger . " (eng)

10102 并不 富有 万一 妻子 什么 祸事 临头 愿意 倾家荡产 保护

He has a passion also for Indian animals , which are sent over to him by a correspondent , and he has at this moment a cheetah and a baboon , which wander freely over his grounds and are feared by the villagers almost as much as their master . " (eng)

11301 看到 已故 妻子 遗嘱 " 为了 确定 确切 意义 不得不 计算 遗嘱 那些 投资 进项

Who sent for you ? " (eng)

60706 摩托车 冒险家 风间深志 妻子 惠美子

The wife of adventure rider Fukashi_Kazama , Emiko , laughs as she says this . (eng)

60732 人类 五万 公里 旅行 Great Journey 挑战 探险家 关野吉晴 妻子 玲子 新婚 旅行 秘鲁 马楚比楚 遗址

Yoshiharu_Sekino , an explorer aiming to trace mankind 's 50,000-kilometer Great_Journey , and his wife Reiko spent their honeymoon at the ruins of Peru_'s_Machu_Picchu . (eng)

61096 山元 妻子 晴子 胸部 头部 重创 不久 死亡 伊藤 嫌疑犯 轻度 颈椎 挫伤症

Yamamoto and his wife , Haruko , also on the car , were hit strongly in the chest and head , and died shortly ; Ito is suffering from whiplash . (eng)

61117 加藤 妻子 菊子 凌晨 二点 三点 左右 见嗵 东西 声音 警署 调查 是否 枪击 事件 有关

Kato 's wife , Kikuko , said , " I heard a banging noise as made by a falling object between two and three o'clock a.m. , " and the police are investigating the relationship between her story and the incident . (eng)

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