10 Results for: (Concept:10736091-n)
13163 It is possible even that you may have heard that , through my uncle 's influence , I obtained a good appointment at the Foreign Office , and that I was in a situation of trust and honour until a horrible misfortune came suddenly to blast my career .
13243 ' I was , as Watson may have told you , in the Foreign Office , and through the influence of my uncle , Lord Holdhurst , I rose rapidly to a responsible position .
13244 When my uncle became Foreign Minister in this Administration he gave me several missions of trust , and as I always brought them to a successful conclusion , he came at last to have the utmost confidence in my ability and tact .
13263 ' My uncle 's voice is always remarkably low .
13270 ' When I came to examine the treaty I saw at once that it was of such importance that my uncle had been guilty of no exaggeration in what he had said .
13425 I thought of my uncle and of his colleagues in the Cabinet , of the shame which I had brought upon him , upon myself , upon everyone connected with me .
13691 ' I have seen Forbes , and I have seen your uncle , and I have set one or two trains of inquiry upon foot which may lead to something . '
46409 But as to my uncle 's death - well , it all seems boiling up in my head , and I ca n't get it clear yet .
46604 When taken in conjunction with your uncle 's death I am not sure that of all the five hundred cases of capital importance which I have handled there is one which cuts so deep .
60681 Concerning the murder case of Mari_Uehara , the eldest daughter of Atsushi_Uehara , a company employee from Anesaki , Ichihara_of_Chiba , the ad hoc task force comprising the homicide section of Chiba_Prefectural_Police and the Ichihara_Police_Station arrested on the evening of December 31 Toru_Uehara , a bookseller and Mari 's uncle and cohabiter , on charges of her murder and abandonment of her body , following the preceding arrest on suspicion of kidnapping her , a minor , on the previous day .

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