10 Results for: (Concept:10707804-n)
11909 A great thief called Kandata caught the Lord 's eyes , as he writhed with the other sinners in the depths of hell .
11924 Even the great thief Kandata , choked in the lake of blood , could only twitch like a dying frog .
11932 Since he was a great thief to begin with , he was used to this kind of thing .
13314 ' I recognized in an instant that the thief must have come up the stairs from the side-door .
13339 ' '' Then it must be the other way that the thief took , '' cried the fellow , tugging at my sleeve .
13562 ' You are confident that the thief came in a cab ? '
13572 Was it the thief that did it out of bravado ?
13573 Or was it someone who was with the thief who did it in order to prevent the crime ?
13651 ' Well , since you never said so , and Mr. Phelps never said so , and nobody else knew anything of the matter , then the thief 's presence in the room was purely accidental .
13666 ' We can hardly suppose , Mr. Holmes , that the thief took the treaty in order to frame it and hang it up . '

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