10 Results for: (Concept:10674315-n)
100206 新加坡 穆罕默德 苏丹 酒吧 分布 许多 售卖 肉骨茶 摊档 通常 经营 深夜 如切 可以 著名 肉骨茶 全天 营业

While many stalls situated along Singapore’s popular clubbing strip at Mohammad Sultan Road offer hot servings of bak kut teh late into the night, some of the most famous bak kut teh can be found along Joo Chiat Road, available all through the day. (eng)

101148 这位 名叫 哈查 花蒂玛 女子 来自 西里伯斯 富裕 武吉士 苏丹

Built in 1846 , the Hajjah_Fatimah_Mosque was named after a Malacca- born Malay who married a wealthy Bugis sultan from Celebes . (eng)

102328 餐馆 位于 马来 传统 文化 甘榜 格南 苏丹 清真寺 马来 传统 文化 相望

Located in the Malay heritage district of Kampong_Glam , Rumah_Makan_Minang has views of the Sultan_Mosque and the Malay_Heritage_Centre . (eng)

102522 修建 1908 1913 年间 凤山 坐落 穆罕默德 苏丹 Mohamed Sultan Road

Built between 1908 and 1913 , the Hong_San_See temple , located along Mohamed_Sultan_Road , was originally located at Tras_Street in Tanjong_Pagar in 1829 . (eng)

102522 修建 1908 1913 年间 凤山 坐落 穆罕默德 苏丹 Mohamed Sultan Road

Built between 1908 and 1913 , the Hong_San_See temple , located along Mohamed_Sultan_Road , was originally located at Tras_Street in Tanjong_Pagar in 1829 . (eng)

102524 后来 寺庙 搬迁 穆罕默德 苏丹

It later relocated to Mohamed_Sultan road , and the temple now draws worshippers from different dialect groups . (eng)

102719 如果 甘榜 格南 看看 苏丹 回教堂 那么 便 完整

A visit to Singapore's Kampong Glam district is not complete without a stop at Sultan_Mosque . (eng)

102720 苏丹 回教堂 拥有 宏伟 金色 穹顶 以及 宽敞 祈祷 新加坡 壮观 宗教 建筑 新加坡 穆斯林 集中

With its massive golden dome and huge prayer hall , the Sultan_Mosque is one of Singapore 's most impressive religious buildings , and the focal point of Muslims in Singapore . (eng)

102721 清真寺 最初 1824 新加坡 首位 苏丹 —— 侯赛因 Sultan Hussain Shah 印度 公司 赞助 之下 修建

The mosque was first built in 1824 by Sultan_Hussain_Shah , the first sultan of Singapore , with a grant from the East_India_Company . (eng)

102721 清真寺 最初 1824 新加坡 首位 苏丹 —— 侯赛因 Sultan Hussain Shah 印度 公司 赞助 之下 修建

The mosque was first built in 1824 by Sultan_Hussain_Shah , the first sultan of Singapore , with a grant from the East_India_Company . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>