8 Results for: (Concept:10650162-n)
61154 相反 如果 国民 发挥 直接 参与 政治 监督 政治家 强烈 意识 投身 国政 国民 自治 制度 政治 恢复 十分 有效

Conversely , if people demonstrate the strong will to directly control politics and politicians and venture on governing national politics by themselves , we believe that the new system will be effective enough to restore politics . (eng)

61168 国民 聪明 总是 做出 合乎 常理 选择 等等 政治家 戴高帽子 的话 理会

Let us stop being taken by politicians ' flattery such as , " Our people are smart . They have always made sensible choices . " (eng)

61412 大肆 贪污 政治家 以及 乱立 短命 政权 瞬息 更替

Corrupt politicians , the fragmented political map , and the revolving door of short-lived administrations . (eng)

61418 犯罪 组织 黑手党 渎职 政治家 联系 利用 自己 拥有 企业 集团 菲宁维斯特 下属 新闻 媒体 进行 选举战

Such rumors included his connections to the Mafia crime syndicate and some corrupt politicians and his use of the mass media , i.e. , an affiliate of Fininvest , the business group owned by Mr._Berlusconi , for his election campaign . (eng)

61450 如果 电影 名称式 尽管 现在 政治 危机 政党 政治家 没有 努力 弥合 人们 期待 感和 失望感 差距

To put it after a movie 's title , despite a " clear and present danger " hovering over politics , neither the political parties nor politicians are making efforts to bury the gap between expectation and disappointment . (eng)

61456 政党 政治家 只顾 适应 选区 保命 存身 没有 着眼 日本 政治 变革

In response to the implementation of the single-seated constituency , both the parties and politicians are too preoccupied with their own s survival and saving their own status to pay attention to the " reform " which Japanese politics should embrace . (eng)

61464 政治家 按照 选区 情况 随意 变更 党派 变小 选区 象征性 选举 战和 金权 选举 可能 中选区 严重 担忧

Politicians changed their party labels as they pleased depending on the circumstances in their ridings and there is a concern that the campaigns offering free frills to voters and bankrolled elections exceeding that for middle-sized election districts may become rampant in small districts . (eng)

61827 因为 政治家 常常 优先 取悦于 国民 政策

This is due to the fact that politicians tend to put priority on vote-catching policies . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>