6 Results for: (Concept:10644598-n)
60676 东京都 江户 川区 公司 职员 岛学 用力 击掌 合十 没有 什么 奢望 希望 经济 祈祷 我们 孩子 家庭 不至于 生活 所困

Mr._Manabu_Maeshima , a company worker from Edogawa-ku , Tokyo , said with powerful religious handclaps , " I do not mean to be greedy , but I hope that the economic situation will improve . I prayed that four families including two children would not be bad-off . " (eng)

60681 市姊崎 公司 职员 原淳 长女 茉莉 事件 [ 警察 搜查 [ 市原 警察署 [ 特别 搜查 三十一日 从事 书籍 销售 弃尸 嫌疑 原彻 再次 逮捕 原彻 受害人 共同 居住 叔父 日前 诱拐 未成年人 嫌疑 被捕

Concerning the murder case of Mari_Uehara , the eldest daughter of Atsushi_Uehara , a company employee from Anesaki , Ichihara_of_Chiba , the ad hoc task force comprising the homicide section of Chiba_Prefectural_Police and the Ichihara_Police_Station arrested on the evening of December 31 Toru_Uehara , a bookseller and Mari 's uncle and cohabiter , on charges of her murder and abandonment of her body , following the preceding arrest on suspicion of kidnapping her , a minor , on the previous day . (eng)

60684 三十一日 上午 七点半 左右 山梨县 甲斐驹岳 目处 登山 东京 杉并区 清水一 公司 职员 武井裕介 横滨市 户冢区 仓田町 经营 木材 生意 冈田丰 不慎 失足 跌入 山涧 武井 下落不明

Around 7:30 a.m. , December 31 , Yusuke_Takei , a company worker from Shimizu 1-chome , Suginami-ku , Tokyo , and Toyota_Okada , a wood shop manager from Kamikurata-cho , Totsuka , Yokohama_of_Kanagawa , slipped and fell into a stream while climbing Mt._Kai_Komaga-take in Yamanashi_Prefecture around four-fifths of the way to the peak ; Takei is still missing . (eng)

61242 [ 外务省 国际 机构 人事 中心 调查 截止 去年 一月 主要 国际 机构 工作 日本 职员 八百四十一 增加 一百一十三

According to a study by the Foreign_Ministry_'s_International_Organizations_Personnel_Center , as of January of last year there were 841 Japanese working in major international organizations , which was an increase of 113 persons compared to two years before . (eng)

61243 但是 其他 主要 先进 国家 职员 相比 日本 职员 人数 非常

However , the number of such Japanese employees is very small when compared with the numbers of employees of international organizations who come from other major advanced countries . (eng)

61244 联合国 秘书处 日本 职员 截止 去年 六月 只有 九十一

As of the end of June of last year , there were only 91 Japanese employed at the UN_Secretariat . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>