6 Results for: (Concept:10573829-n)
60099 [ 民主 联盟 放弃 独自 建立 新党 筹备会 方针 保亘 总书记 执行部 可能 发生 分裂 情况 控制 局势 十分 艰难

Since " the New_Democratic_League " has not changed their policy to start a preparatory committee for their own new party this month , the executive members including Wataru_Kubo , General_Secretary_of_the_SPJ , will be forced to effectively manage the party in the difficult situation in which the party may split . (eng)

60226 意义 他们 意大利式 自由人 推举 首相会 秘书长 吉恩弗兰克・马歇 居住 意大利 北部 城市 拉维纳 极为 普通 市民

This Italian volunteer organization , " DiPietro to Prime_Ministership , " is headed by Secretary-General_Jean-Franco_Masia , an ordinary citizen living in Ravenna , northern Italy . (eng)

60247 秘书长 萨瑟兰 更换 日内瓦 [ 关税 贸易 总协定 总部 正门 牌子 强调 历史性 瞬间

Director-General Peter_Southerland emphasized this is " a historic moment , " carrying off the GATT sign to the entrance hall of the GATT headquarters in Geneva . (eng)

60250 墨西哥 总统 萨利纳斯 意大利 贸易 部长 鲁杰罗 韩国 [ 工商 资源部 部长 金氏 竞选 秘书长

Three people , ex-President of Mexico , Carlos_Salinas de Gotari , former Minister_for_Foreign_Trade_of_Italy , Renato_Ruggiero , and former Minister_of_Commerce , Industry and Energy_of_South_Korea , Kim are running for the seat of 1st director-general . (eng)

60251 萨瑟兰 先生 担任 临时 秘书长 争取 三月 中旬 作出 决定

Southerland will work as an interim director-general until the election result comes in the middle of March . (eng)

61236 现在 波斯尼亚・赫尔兹哥比纳 作为 联合国 秘书长 特别 代表 全力以赴 收拾 内战 明石康 第一 线 指挥 救济 卢旺达 难民 联合国 难民 高级 专员 绪方贞子 举动 充分 满足 期待

Such hopes are , I think , being well responded to at present by the activities of Mr._Akaishi_Yasushi , who as the UN_Secretary-General's_Special_Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina is directing every effort to the task of ending a civil war , and by the activities of Mrs._Ogata_Sadako , the UN_High_Commissioner_for_Refugees , who is taking the lead in coordinating assistance to refugees in Rwanda and other parts of the world . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>