7 Results for: (Concept:10491136-n)
60043 国家 规定 行使 公共 权力 从事 公共 意识 形成 公务员 必须 拥有 日本 国籍 但是 地方 公务员 法中 规定 禁止 录用 日本 国籍

The Japanese government insists that " Japanese nationality is essential for public servants who execute public rights and make decisions on public matters , " however , there is no rule to forbid employing non-Japanese under the Local_Public_Service_Law . (eng)

60043 国家 规定 行使 公共 权力 从事 公共 意识 形成 公务员 必须 拥有 日本 国籍 但是 地方 公务员 法中 规定 禁止 录用 日本 国籍

The Japanese government insists that " Japanese nationality is essential for public servants who execute public rights and make decisions on public matters , " however , there is no rule to forbid employing non-Japanese under the Local_Public_Service_Law . (eng)

60044 桥本 知事 地方 行政 运营 方面 感觉 国籍 规定 必要性 至少 没有 理由 排斥 出生 生长 日本 韩国人 朝鲜人 成为 地方 公务员 希望 五十 周年 契机 实现 愿望

" I do not believe in the necessity of the article on nationality in managing local government . At least , there is no reason to exclude Koreans who were brought up in Japan from certification as public servants . I would like to realize this on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the last war , " said Hashimoto . (eng)

61241 符合 这些 条件 国际 机构 工作 国际 公务员

Surely to be counted among those who are at the shortest distance from meeting these conditions are persons working in international organizations as " international civil servants . " (eng)

61245 国际 公务员 由于 外语 能力 不足 不满 工资 水平 国内 原因

Reasons for the relatively small number of international civil servants include such things as insufficient linguistic skills and dissatisfaction over job conditions like salary levels which may be lower than what one might aspire to on the domestic scene . (eng)

61247 为了 培养 国际 人才 首先 应该 官民 一道 解决 增加 国际 公务员 问题

As part of the effort to cultivate more kokusaijin , we need to see more initiatives , with cooperation from both governmental and private sectors , to increase the numbers of Japanese international civil servants . (eng)

61248 当然 并不 只有 国际 公务员 国际 人才

Of course " international civil servants " are not the only types of kokusaijin . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>