10 Results for: (Concept:10282672-n)
60365 These women work as maids for Hong_Kongites or foreign residents .
60371 It is very common for middle-class and higher double income families to hire maids .
60375 A maid earns 3,700_Hong_Kong_dollars a month .
60386 It is difficult for maids to obtain loans from legal financial institutions , as their social standing is considered precarious .
60390 This is according to Remi_Borongan , chairperson of the Asian_Domestic_Workers_Union , which is fighting for improvements in the employment conditions of maids .
60395 Borongan advises members while also working as a maid herself for her Hong_Kong employers .
60403 Some households go so far as to have the maid instead of the mother sleep with the baby or give the baby milk repeatedly through the night .
60404 Besides Filipinos , the numbers of Asians working as maids in Hong_Kong are on the rise .
60408 There are also cases where employment has been terminated because the employer is moving overseas , or where the maid has moved with the employer to Canada .
60420 He was brought up by a Chinese maid and attended an elementary school for Hong_Kong children , so his Cantonese is native level and he can understand Mandarin as well .


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