1 Results for: (Concept:10216106-n)
61802 收益 分给 创立者 出资者 全部 收益 活动 目的 再次 投资 配股 作为 原则 州政府 提出 邮寄 写上 名称 负责人 简单 文件 经数 审查 批准 民间 法人 制度 据说 登记 团体 100万

This law provides a system for private corporations where profits will not be allocated in principle and will be entirely reinvested for the purpose of activities , instead of being distributed to the founders and stakeholders , and once an organization submit or mail to the state government a simple form filled out with the organization 's name , name of the person responsible and other related items , it can be approved within several days of review ; it is said that approximately one_million organization have been registered in the US . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>