5 Results for: (Concept:10208432-n)
60224 贝卢斯哥尼 首相 辞职 引发 意大利 政治 危机 肯定 延续 明年 不过 推举 迪皮埃特罗 检察官 首相 组织 已经 宣布 成立 检察官 抗议 围绕 查处 政治 腐败 政治 压力

It has become sure that the political crisis in Italy , sparked by the resignation of Prime_Minister_Berlusconi , will extend well into next year , while in another political move , a committee has been formed to push into the Prime_Minister post the former Prosecutor_DiPietro , who had resigned to protest " political pressure " regarding the corruption investigation . (eng)

60224 贝卢斯哥尼 首相 辞职 引发 意大利 政治 危机 肯定 延续 明年 不过 推举 迪皮埃特罗 检察官 首相 组织 已经 宣布 成立 检察官 抗议 围绕 查处 政治 腐败 政治 压力

It has become sure that the political crisis in Italy , sparked by the resignation of Prime_Minister_Berlusconi , will extend well into next year , while in another political move , a committee has been formed to push into the Prime_Minister post the former Prosecutor_DiPietro , who had resigned to protest " political pressure " regarding the corruption investigation . (eng)

61064 今后 即使 检察官 提出 要求 实习生 朗读 开头 陈述 请求 应允 应当 彻底 贯彻

It aims to ensure that in future no request from the prosecution side to have their judicial apprentices read out opening statements should be granted . (eng)

61066 至今 判明 [ 盛冈 地方 法院 例子 检察官 法官 提出 允许 实习生 朗读 开头 陈述 要求 法官 征求 被告方 律师 同意 予以 许可

At Morioka_District_Court , in one of the cases brought to light , it appears that the prosecutor requested the judge to allow delivery of the opening statement by a judicial apprentice and the judge granted that request with consent from the defendant and the defense counsel . (eng)

61067 此外 关于 审讯 实习 事宜 [ 日本 律师 联合会 表明 律师 当地 检察厅 进行 协商 以便 根据 原则 采取 实习生 旁听 检察官 审讯 方式 进行 实习 活动

The Japan_Federation_of_Bar_Associations said that each bar association should consult with concerned local public prosecutor 's offices for legal training to be based on the six principles , for example , judicial apprentices should sit in while prosecutors are conducting pretrial hearings . (eng)

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