10 Results for: (Concept:10193967-n)
11326 Both she and her husband had occupied the bed .
11329 So far as they knew , there had never been any quarrel between husband and wife .
11476 The lady 's allusions to her past , and her refusal to take her husband into her confidence , both pointed in that direction .
11527 " She was found badly wounded , by the side of her dead husband . "
11541 You dogged her and followed her and made her life a misery to her , in order to induce her to abandon the husband whom she loved and respected in order to fly with you , whom she feared and hated .
11577 She sent me a letter then , imploring me to go away , and saying that it would break her heart if any scandal should come upon her husband .
11578 She said that she would come down when her husband was asleep at three in the morning , and speak with me through the end window , if I would go away afterwards and leave her in peace .
60727 " I was too busy running around after the children to have time to worry about my husband . Maybe that was a good thing . "
61023 Among the three-generation , 12-member Koi family , the father and the husband are in Taiwan .
61025 Most of the households who have someone working elsewhere have bought TVs or motorbikes , but in his letters the husband writes , " The work is hard . I want to go home . "

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