10 Results for: (Concept:10193967-n)
10259 丈夫 然后 自己 他们 佣人

The ejaculation had been drawn from my companion by the fact that our door had been suddenly dashed open , and that a huge man had framed himself in the aperture . (eng)

10478 主人 那些 暗示 过去 的话 拒绝 实情 告诉 丈夫 使 方面

" You speak of danger . (eng)

10524 发现 时候 已经 丈夫 旁边

His hand closed like a vice upon my wrist in his agitation . (eng)

10535 紧追 使得 痛苦 为了 引诱 抛弃 心爱 丈夫 这个 逃跑

All was as we had seen it in the daytime . (eng) Then creeping up to me and making a trumpet of his hand , he whispered into my ear again so gently that it was all that I could do to distinguish the words : " The least sound would be fatal to our plans . " (eng)

10551 丘比特 太太 已经 使 自己 蒙受 谋杀 丈夫 重大 嫌疑 知道

From outside came the occasional cry of a night-bird , and once at our very window a long drawn catlike whine , which told us that the cheetah was indeed at liberty . (eng)

10553 为了 至少 应该 做到 大众 说明 丈夫 惨死 没有 任何 直接 间接 责任

How long they seemed , those quarters ! (eng)

10576 寄给 恳求 走开 并且 如果 真的 损害 丈夫 名誉 使

" With a grave face he lit the lamp and led the way down the corridor . (eng)

60727 由于 全力以赴 地照 孩子们 没有 时间 丈夫 担心 可能 反而

" I was too busy running around after the children to have time to worry about my husband . Maybe that was a good thing . " (eng)

61023 同堂 十二 家庭 父亲 丈夫 台湾 做工

Among the three-generation , 12-member Koi family , the father and the husband are in Taiwan . (eng)

61025 外出 做工 家庭 多半 电视 摩托车 但是 丈夫 写到 工作 辛苦 回家

Most of the households who have someone working elsewhere have bought TVs or motorbikes , but in his letters the husband writes , " The work is hard . I want to go home . " (eng)

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