6 Results for: (Concept:10112129-n)
100114 教堂 爱尔兰 建筑师 乔治 · 科尔门 设计 杰作 第一 亚美尼亚 修道士 光照 圣格里高利

Designed by Irish architect George_Coleman , the church is regarded as Coleman 's masterpiece and is dedicated to St_Gregory_the_Illuminator , the first Armenian monk . (eng)

100292 著名 禅师 —— 释法照 法师 设计 海内外 顾问 团队 帮助 得以 修建

The building was conceptualised and designed by local venerable Shi_Fa_Zhao , aided by a team of local and overseas consultants . (eng)

100296 其它 重要 景点 包括 佛教 文化 博物馆 著名 僧伽 纪念馆 三藏 殿 以及 定期 举办 相关 表演 讲座 展览

Other highlights found in this building include the Buddhist_Culture_Museum , Eminent_Sangha_Museum , Tripitaka_Chamber , and a Theatre for cultural performances , talks and films . (eng)

101528 这位 虔诚 佛教徒 启发 贤惠 法师 出家人 因而 土地 用于 修建 寺庙

The 40,000 square-metre site was originally owned by Low_Kim_Pong , a wealthy Chinese Hokkien merchant and devout Buddhist who donated the land after a dream led him to a chance meeting with a family that had taken Buddhist vows . (eng)

101528 这位 虔诚 佛教徒 启发 贤惠 法师 出家人 因而 土地 用于 修建 寺庙

The 40,000 square-metre site was originally owned by Low_Kim_Pong , a wealthy Chinese Hokkien merchant and devout Buddhist who donated the land after a dream led him to a chance meeting with a family that had taken Buddhist vows . (eng)

103010 节日 虔诚 佛教徒 信众 黎明 聚集 各个 寺庙 等待 仪式 开始 佛教 旗帜 升起 高声 歌唱 颂扬 神圣 三宝 佛陀 佛法 佛陀 教诲 僧伽 佛陀 弟子

On this day , devout Buddhists and followers alike congregate at their various temples before dawn for the ceremonial , where the Buddhist flag will be hoisted , and hymns sung in praise of the holy triple gem : The Buddha , The_Dharma ( his teachings ) , and The_Sangha ( his disciples ) . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>