5 Results for: (Concept:10072708-n)
60713 One of her favorite books is about mountain climbers and adventurers , by the late Naomi_Uemura .
60732 Yoshiharu_Sekino , an explorer aiming to trace mankind 's 50,000-kilometer Great_Journey , and his wife Reiko spent their honeymoon at the ruins of Peru_'s_Machu_Picchu .
60738 At the time Reiko was a member of Tsudajuku_University 's explorer club .
100839 If you are an avid sea adventurer , you 'll be delighted to visit the Maritime_Xperiential_Museum\xE2\x84 \xA2 when it opens in 2011 .
110054 Captain J. van Toch is n’t some cursed adventurer , no .

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