10 Results for: (Concept:10013242-n)
100360 如果 提前 预定 希望 豪华 私密 包间 享受 高档 优雅 氛围 不必 置身 喧闹 并且 饥饿 食客 人群

Make a reservation for enough people and you might be treated to the luxury of a private room where you can actually hold a decent conversation and not have your voice drowning in the din of excited ( and hungry ) guests . (eng)

100786 Jaan 除了 非凡 景致 优雅 用餐 过程 引领 着法 美食 上升 全新 高度 菜肴 口味 食客 带来 惊喜 连连 菜肴 殿堂 艺术 呈现 惊艳 视觉 美感

Besides its stunning view , Jaan also takes Essentialist dining to greater heights with elegant meal courses , adding surprising touches in taste and impressive life-like interpretations of museum quality displays . (eng) Expect to enjoy dishes that revolutionise taste with a creative combination of art , whimsy and culinary mastery . (eng)

100789 秉承 原则 Ebbe 主厨 烹饪 创作 游刃有余 自由 发挥 食客 献上 盘盘 清新 爽口 美味 佳肴

With a ‘less is more ' spirit , he finds creative freedom in culinary compositions that reap clear flavours and flawless textures , each effort bound by a fastidious selection of seasonal ingredients chosen from a mere handful of producers globally . (eng)

101082 正宗 中国 美食 美妙 体验 在于 —— 主厨 Chung Ho Shi 与其 中国 美食 专家 团队 设计 一系列 诱人 菜式 包括 各种 精致 点心 以及 难忘 招牌 菜肴 香料 调料 全部 从中 各地 进口 务必 食客 带来 原汁原味 中国 美食

The authentic Chinese dining experience does not end there Chef Chung Ho Shi and his team of Chinese cuisine experts have designed an appealing menu that features a selection of dim sum plus impressive signature dishes that have been prepared with imported spices and herbs from the diverse regions of China . (eng)

101128 众多 食客 钟爱 蜂蜜 黑胡椒 鸵鸟 肉片

A dish that has won over even the most selective of diners is the sautéed sliced ostrich with honey black pepper sauce . (eng)

101278 生猛 海鲜 餐厅 拥有 时尚 外观 采用 雅致 深色 木器 装饰 食客 提供 传统

Specialising in live seafood , this modern restaurant , with its elegant dark wood interiors , serves traditional Cantonese fare . looking (eng)

101487 新加坡 加东 著名 椰浆 叻沙 其中 面条 碎块 因此 食客 直接 汤匙 食用

The most famous laksa lemak recipe can be found in an area in Singapore called Katong , where the noodles are cut up such that that they can be slurped directly from a soup spoon , without the need for chopsticks . (eng)

101630 马来 甜点 比如 cendol 通常 大量 使用 椰子汁 对于 喜欢 甜食 食客 而言 无法 抗拒 红豆 ice kachang 红豆 果冻 冰块 制成 流行 甜点

Malay desserts such as cendol are usually very rich in coconut milk and impossible to resist if you have a sweet tooth, while ice kachang is a popular dessert made of flavoured ice with red bean and jelly. (eng)

101856 食客 正式 点菜 之前 迅速 支起 桌子 新加坡 常见 美食

It is common in Singapore to quickly snag a table for your group before taking turns to order dishes . (eng)

101885 这里 不少 餐馆 营业 深夜 它们 能够 食客 风格 各异 精致 美食

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