8 Results for: (Concept:09673495-n)
100323 Look for Komala_Villas restaurant or the Madras_Woodlands in Little_India for hard- to- beat versions of this South Indian classic .
100324 Just before you scoot off , wash the meal down with the ever excellent South Indian- style milk coffee , a perfect way to round off any thosai- based meal .
100720 By the end of the 19th century , Singapore became one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Asia , with major ethnic groups in the country being the Chinese , Malays , Indians , Peranakans and Eurasians .
100722 The Indians make up 9.2 % , and Eurasians , Peranakans and others making up a combined 3.2 % .
101133 Other dishes to try include Kadhai ( Indian snacks ) , Bebek_Bengil ( traditional Balinese fried duck ) , and Pisang_Epe ( durian flavoured grilled bananas ) .
101171 Built in 1859 and rebuilt in 1983 , the distinctive feature of this Southern Indian temple is its roof , with 48 engraved glass panels angled to catch the rising and setting sun .
101398 By 1860 , the thriving country had a population that had grown from a mere 150 in 1819 to 80,792 , comprising mainly Chinese , Indians and Malays .
102939 Coming together as a society and living in harmony , there are four major races namely the Chinese ( majority ) , Malay , Indian and Eurasian .

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