5 Results for: (Concept:09615211-n)
60890 虽然 当时 认为 世界 锦标赛 获得 压倒 优势 胜利 意大利 伊尔・莫罗・威尼斯 较为 有利 但是 结果 完全 预料 相反 防卫者 联赛 脱颖而出 美国 立方 取胜

The overwhelming winner at the world championships , the Il_Moro di Venezia was thought to have the advantage , but in an upset , the America3 , advancing from the Defender_'s_Series , was victorious . (eng)

60893 理由 激战 挑战者们 能够 实践 角逐 防卫者 比赛 战术 以及 美国 杯赛 登记 防卫者 挑战者

The reason is that the eight teams vying fiercely for the Challenger_'s_Cup must compete in more races and have more opportunities to hone their strategy than the three teams competing in the Defender_'s_Cup , as the yacht registration for the boats used in both the Defender 's and Challenger_'s_Series now falls on the same day . (eng)

60893 理由 激战 挑战者们 能够 实践 角逐 防卫者 比赛 战术 以及 美国 杯赛 登记 防卫者 挑战者

The reason is that the eight teams vying fiercely for the Challenger_'s_Cup must compete in more races and have more opportunities to hone their strategy than the three teams competing in the Defender_'s_Cup , as the yacht registration for the boats used in both the Defender 's and Challenger_'s_Series now falls on the same day . (eng)

60894 据说 大赛 要求 挑战者 必须 先于 防卫者 提出 登记 申请 有欠 公平

In the previous competition , the Challenger had to first notify the Defender , creating a disparity in the level of fairness . (eng)

60900 云集 参加 防卫者 挑战者 联赛 帆船 世界 锦标赛 他们 参赛 日本 挑战者 霸主 美国 立方 大胜

At the world championships , where the yachts competing in the Defender 's and Challenger_'s_Series were assembled , the new yachts were looked over , and the two Nippon_Challenge yachts beat other boats such as the previous champion , America3 . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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