8 Results for: (Concept:09530721-n)
100660 暴政 统治 自己 国家 最终 迫使 臣民 不得不 求助 圣明 马都拉 王国 统治者 —— 卡克里希纳 Lord Sri Krishna

He ruled his kingdom with tyranny , which led his subjects to appeal to Lord_Sri_Krishna , the divine ruler of Madura , for help . (eng)

100660 暴政 统治 自己 国家 最终 迫使 臣民 不得不 求助 圣明 马都拉 王国 统治者 —— 卡克里希纳 Lord Sri Krishna

He ruled his kingdom with tyranny , which led his subjects to appeal to Lord_Sri_Krishna , the divine ruler of Madura , for help . (eng)

100661 后来 战役 纳拉卡苏拉 卡克里希纳

Narakasura was subsequently killed by Lord_Krishna in battle and on Lord_Krishna 's return , the city was in complete darkness as it was the night of a new moon . (eng)

100661 后来 战役 纳拉卡苏拉 卡克里希纳

Narakasura was subsequently killed by Lord_Krishna in battle and on Lord_Krishna 's return , the city was in complete darkness as it was the night of a new moon . (eng)

100662 克里希纳 凯旋而归 正值 新月 城市 漆黑

Narakasura was subsequently killed by Lord_Krishna in battle and on Lord_Krishna 's return , the city was in complete darkness as it was the night of a new moon . (eng)

100663 为了 庆祝 卡克里希纳 胜利 归来 人们 纷纷 点燃 油灯 共同 庆祝

To celebrate his victory and to welcome Lord_Krishna , the people lit lamps , and to this day , Hindus mark the victory of Lord_Krishna over King_Narakasura by lighting oil lamps . (eng)

100664 时至今日 印度 保留 油灯 传统 用以 纪念 这位 战胜 纳拉卡苏拉 国王 卡克里希纳

To celebrate his victory and to welcome Lord_Krishna , the people lit lamps , and to this day , Hindus mark the victory of Lord_Krishna over King_Narakasura by lighting oil lamps . (eng)

100664 时至今日 印度 保留 油灯 传统 用以 纪念 这位 战胜 纳拉卡苏拉 国王 卡克里希纳

To celebrate his victory and to welcome Lord_Krishna , the people lit lamps , and to this day , Hindus mark the victory of Lord_Krishna over King_Narakasura by lighting oil lamps . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>