3 Results for: (Concept:09527001-n)
102795 大宝森 旨在 纪念 战胜 邪恶 赋予 印度 美德 青春 力量 苏布拉马亚 称为 姆鲁卡

Celebrated in honour of Lord_Subrahmanya ( also known as Lord_Murugan ) , who represents virtue , youth and power to Hindus and is the destroyer of evil , it is held during the full moon in the 10th Tamil month , called Thai , which falls in mid-January each year . (eng)

102795 大宝森 旨在 纪念 战胜 邪恶 赋予 印度 美德 青春 力量 苏布拉马亚 称为 姆鲁卡

Celebrated in honour of Lord_Subrahmanya ( also known as Lord_Murugan ) , who represents virtue , youth and power to Hindus and is the destroyer of evil , it is held during the full moon in the 10th Tamil month , called Thai , which falls in mid-January each year . (eng)

102801 携带 牛奶 用来 祭祀 丹达乌他帕尼 兴都 苏布拉马亚

The milk they have been carrying is then offered to Lord Subrahmanya at the Sri_Thendayuthapani_Temple . (eng)

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