3 Results for: (Concept:09525961-n)
102694 这里 花岗石 一共 32 壁画 描绘 维那雅加 诞生 世间 步入 婚姻 殿堂 情景 组合 起来 便是 维那雅加 32 不同 形象

Here , you 'll see colorful murals depicting the stories of Lord_Vinayagar from the time of his birth till marriage , as well as four granite pillars featuring sculptures of 32 different forms of Lord_Vinayagar . (eng)

102694 这里 花岗石 一共 32 壁画 描绘 维那雅加 诞生 世间 步入 婚姻 殿堂 情景 组合 起来 便是 维那雅加 32 不同 形象

Here , you 'll see colorful murals depicting the stories of Lord_Vinayagar from the time of his birth till marriage , as well as four granite pillars featuring sculptures of 32 different forms of Lord_Vinayagar . (eng)

102695 这些 形象 圣帕加维那雅加 兴都 独特 其他 维那雅加 庙宇 即使 印度 国内 可能 见到

These 32 forms of Lord_Vinayagar are unique to this temple and not seen in any other Vinayagar temple , even in India . (eng)

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