10 Results for: (Concept:09494388-n)
101811 Stuffed full of obscure Chinese pieces from Buddha heads and jade pendants to brass dragons , it also has a collection of statues of former Chinese leader Mao_Zedong .
102775 Buddhist youth sometimes organise mass blood donations at hospitals , while general rites and rituals practiced on Vesak_Day include chanting of mantras ; releasing of caged birds and animals ; having vegetarian meals ; and " bathing " a Buddha statue , a reference to the legend of the child Buddha being showered with the waters of nine dragons soon after birth .
103110 Four carved granite columns with entwined dragons and two dragons in pearl on the roof ridges are also a display of the Lam_Ann clan heritage .
103110 Four carved granite columns with entwined dragons and two dragons in pearl on the roof ridges are also a display of the Lam_Ann clan heritage .
103138 All across the city , you 'll notice dragon and lion dances everywhere lending a cheery , festive atmosphere to the occasion .
103139 Dragons and lions are prominent characters in Chinese mythology ; its roots originating in ancient China when Nien , a mythical beast which tormented villagers was discovered to be afraid of the colour red .
104227 Pick up some interesting curios and quirky jewellery at neighbourhoods like Chinatown , Little_India and Arab_Street , and find gifts such as chopstick sets , paper dragons and appliquéd bags at street stalls in the Chinatown_Night_Market .
104393 Dragon boat teams consist of 22 able-bodied members who furiously pit their rowing skills against one another in search for the ultimate glory .
104394 It‘s a sport that has its roots in ancient China , and like numerous ancient Asian sports , dragon boat racing also has a rich and mystifying heritage .
104399 Today , dragon boat racing is a more cheerful spectacle .

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