6 Results for: (Concept:09460312-n)
13730 Joseph and the groom found marks on the flower-bed outside the window , but the weather has been so dry lately that they found it hopeless to follow the trail across the grass .
13832 ' On the contrary , I have noticed that when he is off the trail he generally says so .
48683 How came Selden , in the darkness , to know that the hound was on his trail ? '
48794 We heard it , but we could not prove that it was running upon this man 's trail .
100459 From special tours and trails , to offers for dining , shopping , entertainment , attractions and more , select from a wide range of hand-picked promotions and make your visit in Singapore an even more enjoyable one .
102944 You can also embark on a heritage trail and enjoy the sights and sounds at various cultural precincts , notably Chinatown , Little_India and Kampong_Glam .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>