10 Results for: (Concept:09426788-n)
60637 On New_Years days , a wintry pressure pattern gains force around Japan , bringing severe cold and rough weather especially in the mountains and the sea on the archipelago .
60867 He never realized his dream of capturing the Cup , an event which has been described as " pouring water into a bottomless pitcher , " but many people were moved by the millionaire 's romance with the sea .
60963 Construction of large dams not only causes environmental problems such as the destruction of forests or submersion of villages , but also problems such as flooding and the intrusion of sea water into downstream areas .
61946 Greater efforts are called for to make logistic routes secured for transportation of supplies via land , sea and air .
100502 With its tropical climate and pristine seas , Singapore is the perfect locale for water sports .
100506 With numerous waterfront parks dotted around Singapore , you will be able to enjoy the sun , sand and sea no matter where you are .
100511 For speed demons , Pasir_Ris_Park offers Dinghy_Sailing , where you can feel the wind against you body while skimming over the sea .
100717 Established by Thomas_Stamford_Raffles as a trading post on 29 January 1819 , the small sea town of Singapore soon attracted migrants and merchants from China , the Indian sub-continent , Indonesia , the Malay_Peninsula and the Middle_East .
100839 If you are an avid sea adventurer , you 'll be delighted to visit the Maritime_Xperiential_Museum\xE2\x84 \xA2 when it opens in 2011 .
101384 Later , the city was known as Temasek ( " Sea Town " ) , when the first settlements were established from AD 1298-1299 .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>