10 Results for: (Concept:09411430-n)
60932 Mosques dot the river banks , one after another .
60952 Due to Cambodia 's long war , the Mekong lagged behind in development and also remained isolated from such things as river pollution .
60953 Little garbage is found on the river 's surface , which teems with the shadows of fish .
60966 Hundreds of urns line the river bank and the smell of shochu is everywhere .
61005 My interpreter in Mito , Gwen_Le_Hoa said , " Since the completion of the North-South power lines , electricity has come to delta towns that did not have light before , " as she pointed to an island in the middle of the river .
61099 The river has an overall length of 790_kilometers .
61100 Power generation has begun under the rule of Japan , and the river still supplies electricity to the industrial zones of both countries .
61101 In Japan in the Taisho era , " Song of Yalu_Jiang , " a tune depicting rafts on the river , became popular .
61126 From Pyongyang , they will travel north along the western coast on bike , and from Shinuiju , they will go over the Yalu_Jiang , a river that forms the border between the two countries , toward Tantung , Liaoning_Province_of_China ; the course stretches for about 200_kilometers , and will last over a couple of nights .
61357 In the Amazon_River_Basin_of_Brazil , which was swept by the excitement of the gold rush , there is a grave concern over the outbreak of " the third incidence of Minamata_Disease " caused by the mercury gold diggers discharged into the river .

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