10 Results for: (Concept:09411430-n)
60952 柬埔寨 长年 战争 使 湄公河 地区 远离 开发 使 河流 免受 污染

Due to Cambodia 's long war , the Mekong lagged behind in development and also remained isolated from such things as river pollution . (eng)

61042 那里 开始 摩托艇 沿 湄公河 支流 行驶 小时

From here I went by motor boat on the Mekong_River and a tributary , the Han_River for about three hours . (eng)

61101 大正 时代 日本 流行 描写 河流 木筏 歌曲 鸭绿江

In Japan in the Taisho era , " Song of Yalu_Jiang , " a tune depicting rafts on the river , became popular . (eng)

61113 三十一日 下午 三点五十分 左右 京都 市南区 边町 经营 废品 回收 加藤 二郎 110 报警 自家 起居室 装有 娃娃 玻璃 盒子 打碎 弹痕

At around 3:50 p.m. , December 31 , Jiro_Kato , a waste recycler from Kawabe-cho , Higashi-kujo , Minami-ku_of_Kyoto_City , dialed the emergency number to report , " A glass doll case in the living room on the first floor of my house is broken , and there is a crater in the wall that seems like a bullet hole . " (eng)

61368 余下 40% 45% 排放 经过 腐叶 腐殖质 微生物 生物 反应 无机 转化 机汞 浓缩 积蓄 河鱼 最终 水俣病 一样 摄入 食鱼 沿岸 居民 身体 可能性

There are strong suspicions that 40 to 45 percent of the mercury was dumped into the river , turned from inorganic mercury to organic mercury through the biological reaction with the humic materials in leaf molds and microorganisms , became concentrated and accumulated in fish , and which , in turn , was brought into the bodies of residents along the coast who ate the fish , as was the case with the Minamata_Disease in Japan . (eng)

101714 各种 亚洲 风味 齐齐 汇集 即食 牛肋 以及 著名 泰式 开胃 miang pu nim

Enjoy a lively burst of flavours with a good variety of Asian- influenced dishes such as the bite-sized wagyu rib-eye , the Sichuan-style deep-fried soon hock fish and the famous Thai appetiser , miang pu nim . (eng)

101738 现在 人们 中秋节 作为 起义 纪念日 人们 通过 月饼 柚子 方式 庆祝 中秋 佳节

This day is now used to commemorate the Mid-Autumn_Festival and is celebrated with the lighting of lanterns , as well as the eating of mooncakes and pomelo fruits . (eng)

102256 —— 全球 海洋 人造 雨林 落户

Expect to marvel at this architectural wonder , which will house the world 's largest oceanarium and the world 's longest man-made rainforest river . (eng)

102534 节日 为了 庆祝 新加坡 罗拔申 码头 一路 流淌 皇后 新加坡 著名 传统 景点

102534 节日 为了 庆祝 新加坡 罗拔申 码头 一路 流淌 皇后 新加坡 著名 传统 景点

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