4 Results for: (Concept:09386422-n)
61268 The Council_of_CERN , the European_Organization_for_Nuclear_Research with 19 member states , has formally decided to construct the world 's largest particle accelerator , which will zero in on the mystery of the birth of the universe and the origin of the mass of matter .
61273 Last spring , the joint project team including members from the US and Japan discovered the top quark , which remained unidentified among the fundamental particles that are the building blocks of matter , by using the " Tevatron , " a large circular accelerator at the Fermi_National_Accelerator_Laboratory in the US , sending a wave of excitement through the scientific community .
61275 The project scientists are also aiming for the discovery of Higgs particles , which have the role of endowing mass on particles .
61275 The project scientists are also aiming for the discovery of Higgs particles , which have the role of endowing mass on particles .

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