3 Results for: (Concept:09348055-n)
101402 穿 树木 繁茂 山丘 河谷 拥有 障碍 位于 绿 平原 之上

The front 9-hole course sprawls over heavily wooded hills and valleys with one major water hazard , while the back course is a green-carpeted plain . (eng)

101625 招牌 马来 香蕉 椰浆 仁当 牛肉 rendang 牛肉 上调 香料 制成 丰富 美食

Another signature dish on the Malay menu is the nasi lemak, packed in a banana leaf and beef rendang, a hearty dish made of large chunks of beef cooked with spices and herbs. (eng)

102735 宗祠 1876 宗庙 会堂 此地 认为 风水 宝地

Established around 1876 as the Tan clan 's ancestral temple and assembly hall , the Tan_Si_Chong_Su_Temple is said to have excellent " feng shui " ( Chinese geomancy ) . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>