4 Results for: (Concept:09345932-n)
60761 成为 精彩 比赛 舞台 美国 圣地亚哥 平静 大海 现在 正在 酝酿 什么样 演出

What performances are awaiting us now at the regatta 's location on the quiet waters around San_Diego in the United_States ? (eng)

60867 形容 无底 水壶 夺杯 梦想 虽然 没有 实现 但是 大富翁 梦想 大海 浪漫 情怀 打动 众人

He never realized his dream of capturing the Cup , an event which has been described as " pouring water into a bottomless pitcher , " but many people were moved by the millionaire 's romance with the sea . (eng)

100509 届时 各种 充满 国际 特色 本地 风情 表演 花车 精彩 上演 各种 其他 形式 街头 狂欢 融合 欢乐 海洋

Recently moved from Orchard Road to this stadium-like venue to accommodate more spectators, you’ll get your fill of international and local acts on mobile floats to other varied forms of street gaiety. (eng)

101706 鱼尾狮 代表 狮子 鱼尾 象征 古城 淡马锡 ( Temasek ) 爪哇 语意 海洋 因为 王子 此地 命名 狮城 Singapura 梵文 狮子 之前 新加坡 原名 淡马锡

The lion head represents the lion spotted by Prince Sang Nila Utama when he re-discovered Singapura in 11 AD, as recorded in the "Malay Annals", and the fish tail of the Merlion symbolises the ancient city of Temasek (meaning “sea” in Javanese) by which Singapore was known before the Prince named it “Singapura” (meaning “lion city” in Sanskrit). (eng)

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