10 Results for: (Concept:09275473-n)
13825 To my certain knowledge he has acted on behalf of three of the reigning Houses of Europe in very vital matters . '
18847 Your memoirs will draw to an end , Watson , upon the day that I crown my career by the capture or extinction of the most dangerous and capable criminal in Europe . '
45826 Recognising , as I do , that you are the second highest expert in Europe- '
100423 It also features a European-style internal shopping street , modelled after London's Burlington Arcade .
100724 The rest of the expatriate population include white collar workers coming from countries as diverse as North_America , Australia , Europe , China and India .
100816 If you are coming in from Europe , SIA readily flies into Singapore from locations such as Cophenhagen , Manchester , Munich , Zurich , Milan , Paris , London , Athens and Rome .
103802 Renowned Austrian_Chef , Armin_Leitgeb , who has worked in Michelin starred restaurants across Europe and America , will surprise you with his gastronomical creations using choice ingredients from Japan and Europe .
103802 Renowned Austrian_Chef , Armin_Leitgeb , who has worked in Michelin starred restaurants across Europe and America , will surprise you with his gastronomical creations using choice ingredients from Japan and Europe .
104076 Au Jardin is meant to resemble ‘Relais et Chateaux ' restaurants found in Europe , and features paintings by renowned local artist Chua_Mia_Tee .
110028 Those rats in Europe , they think there ’s still something to find down here , something they do n’t already know about .

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>