10 Results for: (Concept:09275473-n)
61272 虽然 世界 物理学家们 失望 欧洲 建设 相同 类型 加速器 唤起 人们 希望

The cancellation of the project had disappointed scientists worldwide , but their dreams were rekindled with the construction of the same type of accelerator in Europe . (eng)

61274 欧洲 大型 强子 对撞机 近乎 光速 速度 使 氢原子核 质子 碰撞 制造 宇宙 诞生 高能 状态

The European_LHC will create the high-energy state that occurred immediately after the birth of the universe by colliding protons , the nuclei of hydrogen atoms , at a speed close to the velocity of light . (eng)

61283 据说 欧洲 考虑 要求 美国 日本 加盟国 出资 400亿 日元

It has been reported that Europe is considering seeking an approximately 40-billion_yen contribution from those non-member states such as the US and Japan . (eng)

61285 以往 有缘 欧洲 合作 欣喜

Participation is also favorable from the aspect of entering into a cooperative undertaking with Europe , which Japan has had very little to do with in the past . (eng)

61289 也许 出于 看清 欧洲 日本 具体 要求 美国 态度 心情 文部省 学术 审议会 加速器 科学 会议 没有 深入 讨论 只是 加速器 直接 有关 专家们 同意 参加

As they may have been waiting to see Europe 's specific demand on Japan and what the US would do first , there were no in-depth discussions at the meeting of the Accelerator_Science_Subcommittee_of_Academic_Committee_of_the_Science_Council in the Ministry_of_Education , and the experts who had direct dealings with accelerators approved of the participation among themselves . (eng)

61291 美国 国内 计划 停止 高度 重视 大型 强子 对撞机 加速器 科学 对手 关系 美国 欧洲 携手 合作

As the US has strong feelings about the LHC due to the aborted domestic project , the two rivals , the US and Western_Europe , will find themselves working together on the accelerator science . (eng)

61328 10 领导 欧洲 统一 欧盟 [ 欧洲 委员会 委员长 德罗尔 1月 退职 卢森堡 桑特 首相 就任 委员长

After ten years of taking the reigns of the unification of Europe , Mr._Delors will resign from his post of President_of_the_European_Commission , the executive body of the European_Union , in January and Prime_Minister_Santer_of_Luxembourg will succeed him as the new President . (eng)

61328 10 领导 欧洲 统一 欧盟 [ 欧洲 委员会 委员长 德罗尔 1月 退职 卢森堡 桑特 首相 就任 委员长

After ten years of taking the reigns of the unification of Europe , Mr._Delors will resign from his post of President_of_the_European_Commission , the executive body of the European_Union , in January and Prime_Minister_Santer_of_Luxembourg will succeed him as the new President . (eng)

61330 委员长 桑特 完成 马约 明文 规定 经济 货币 同盟 政治 同盟 目标 但是 继承 欧洲 总统 绰号 强烈 个性 推进 统一 德罗尔 体制 前途 坎坷

The incoming President_Santer will aim to complete the economic and monetary union as well as political union , advocated by the Maastricht_Treaty , but the road ahead will be rocky for the new administration succeeding Mr._Delors , dubbed the " President of Europe , " who has a strong personality and had pushed forward with unification . (eng)

61332 作为 货币 统一 基础 欧洲 货币 制度 发挥 功能 英国 意大利 1992年 货币 危机 一直 脱离 汇率 机构

The European_Monetary_System ( EMS ) , the foundation of the currency unification , broke down , and Britain and Italy have remained withdrawn from the Exchange_Rate_Mechanism ( ERM ) since the currency crisis in the fall of 1992 . (eng)

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